Monday, July 24, 2006

Paper Bag Books...

...yep the last 48hrs has consisted of Paper Bag Books and not much else. They're the gifts for the teachers this year and boy was it hard work just getting the kids to write 3 things that they thank the teacher for. After a year you'd have thought it would be easy.

Megan was great as usual, wrote them straight out and had no trouble when I asked her to redo 2 in the red colour pen instead. Carys just said she couldn't think of anything as school was rubbish...ho hum. Lewis just didn't want to write - as usual, does it for the teachers but not when mum asks. Anyway finally got them all written even if not willingly this evening and I've spent a good 3 hours finishing them all off and putting them together - sorry to the class room assistant who I'm afraid won't get the same special gift but I couldn't take any more, I'm shattered. Off for a long soak in the tub in a minute to recover.

The kids break up tomorrow and I just can't wait.....lazy days coming right up. Hubby has even offered to nip to the shop in the morning to get me and Katherine some lovely grots to see us through our last day together for a while. Now that I will miss, but having the kids home is great fun too. It's amazing how much easier the day is without spending over an hour doing school runs each day.

Right off for my soak, catch all you lovely people later.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Look at me....

Well not quite me, but a load of drivel I wrote about myself. I was stoked when Lorraine asked me to be the member spotlight for Scrapagogo's July's kit Magazine, as well as unsure about what to write I did it when I was in the mood like today. Ready for a waffle. Here is some of my layouts in full blown print....proffesionally printed and everything. Lorraine also included all 3 layouts I sent, so that was fabby....3 hits in one. :-) And I also must say that July's kit contents were just as fabby. I've done 2 layouts so far and I can't wait to do more. Just got to get this work thing out the way first....

As for the rest of my life - that's busy. I've been to the kids funday at school today, spent a fortune as usual and came home with nought, but at least it all goes to a good cause. I can't wait for them to break up for the summer next getting dressed til late, lazy mornings, and hopefully fun, fun fun and maybe a spot of scrapping too. :-) Just got to get the teachers presents organised first....that will be Sunday's mission I think. I want to do mini paper bag albums for the teachers with the kids writing what they've learnt in the past year....sort of a thankyou for teaching me this and this. At least the girls will be able to do quite a bit of it themselves, then I'll just need to get Lewis in the mood for writing and hey presto - pressies.

Well while it's work, work, work for me tomorrow I suppose I'd better sign off for now......and do to sleep chanting - I will update my blog more..I will update my blog more.. I will update get the drift. LOL

Monday, July 17, 2006

So So Tired

Yep I'm shattered....I spent all day yesterday in the gardens, they're now weed free, strimmed and waiting for the sun to go down so they can be treated to a good mow. In turn that now means that today is washing day, sun is shining and basket is full, so I'm gearing myself up for it.

Goes pretty well with the layout I did the other day for the ScrapiDare on everyday things. I wouldn't survive a week without my washing machine, the amount of washing this house generates is quite's the ironing I put off.

I also got news this morning that my entry to a DT was unsuccessful. :-( I made it to the final judging, but was pipped at the last minute. I must say I am dissapointed, but hey onwards and upwards as they say... I've gone and entered the ProjectaGoGo DT as well, part of me wonders why as my dream is to DT for the ScrapaGoGo kit it's self, but maybe I just need to keep trying for myself. After all there's only so many times you can be knocked down isn't there. After that it either becomes normal, or you hit success.

Right off to tackle the mountain of washing before the sun dissapears and I wonder where the day has gone.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Has it been that long?

Has it really been 6 days since I last posted......boy am I bad at this. Well this week has been slightly boring. General household stuff along with packing & posting. Apart from my dream chipboard turning up on Thursday morning it's been a regular week.

I've been scrapping with it ever since. Both layouts shown are using some of the yummy stuff. I've also spent today changing my ribbon storage. It was getting a bit too much as I found that I desperately needed a third cropper hopper box if I was going to carry on with it that I changed to the ribbon wraps, and wow - I have space.

Next I'm moving on to Alphabets and the rest of my stuff. It's taken my years to sort out my stash in a way I'm happy with. Paper is sorted now along with photos and ribbon.....just got to work on the best for the rest. Teach me to be an organisation freek. It all has to have it's place with room to add if needed. My tools are now done at least with the help of the AMM tote I got a while back.

I also went to a crop last night and for a change actually completed a layout from start to finish you can see my efforts in all geared up. Proved to myself that I can sort of plan a layout without taking ALL my stuff or it only needing a bit of glue to complete.

Tomorrow I'm in work at 3 so I doubt I'll get any 'real' work done, but it has been known, so watch this space. lol

Sunday, July 09, 2006

What a productive Weekend.

Yep, scrapping wise anyway. No pizzahut for me sat or sunday, so guess what.....I scrapped instead. :-)

I got 3 layouts done on Saturday and spent today pottering along with getting 3 more inserts done for the grandparent present and fabby tags for my AMM tote. All in all a big pat on the back for me. Pity it's back to the school run and washing tomorrow.

The layout shown is the dreaded sports day photos. I'm pretty chuffed with how they turned out and have loads of ideas flowing for Scrapping Lewis' but I want next months Scrapagogo kit for them, so roll on the 18th when postie willing I should get my mitts on it.

Also after my rant about CJ's on here the other day things haven't got much better I'm afraid, so I gave both CJ's a bit of a kick and boy have they been alive tonight.....lets hope they stay that way. I feel like a mother having to chase people up.

Well lets home this week is good, parcelforce should get there act together soon and send me the customs charges letter for the parcel of goodies I've been waiting for to go on site.....they've taken longer to send me the letter than the parcel did to come from the states - you just can't get the staff.

Anyway off to bed now as it's full steam ahead to get the kids up and out the door in the morning. Lets hope they're in good moods (though I doubt it.)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

CJ Rant.....

ARGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! That feels good.

Why is it that BOTH Cj's I'm in at the moment have gone pear shaped?? It's not even me or the people directly around me either, it seems as though both are stuck back in the line. One I'm all done, dusted and completed all my entries, yet my CJ is still 3 people back... The other, well it seems that it's always catch up. They come to me and others in batches of 2 or 3, then we feel pressured to help them catch up - we're supposed to get 2 weeks for goodness sake! One I did in a matter of days to help, but then didn't get another one for nearly a month. Oh well, only 2 more to do then I'm all done with CJ's for a bit (I think)

Anyway, the rest of my life seems to be plodding along right now. I've got loads of orders to send out tomorrow, which is good news. But I have to write all the labels again.....only forgot to go to staples this weekend didn't I. (Der) Oh well, better than nothing to send after all.

Here is another layout I've completed recently to put a bit of colour on my blog - enjoy!