Thursday, May 11, 2006

Where did it go?

Where did my day go? I lost it somewhere between 9am and 4pm... I had great plans at 9am this morning on my walk home from taking the kids to school. I was going to get all the housework done and photos for listings so that I was free to list or scrapbook guilt free this evening. Then a friend turned up at 10 past nine and upon her leaving another turned up...

By the time I was back on my own with little one it was gone 12 o'clock and I had to get invoices ready and orders packed ready for the Post/School run. A few brews later and only the front room was tidy. Once I got home with the kids I was fit for hour and a half out the house in this heat pushing a pram just wipes me out.

Darling hubby saw I was shattered though and kindly let me go to bed for an hour or so while he did tea and put the kids in bed, so that was a nice change. :-)

Anyway at least I got a bit of washing done this evening before I get buried in it, along with some stash shopping - essentials I promise, and bargain auctions to clear some stock in my eBay shop. Anyway, while I've had a boring housework day here's a layout from the cybercrop weekend on Scrapitude so at least you've got something to look at. LOL

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