Monday, November 20, 2006

Sorry Sarah.....

I've been told off.....for not updating my blog so here goes - waffle coming up. Hehe.

It's been a manic few weeks again, I don't know wether I'm coming or going, yet I problaby couldn't come up with a huge list of what I've actually HAVE been doing. - Figure that one out for me if you can. Anyway lets see if I can come up with a mini list of things I have done:

* GREAT NEWS first though Sarah is having Twins - eeeeeekkkk! Rather her than me, I may have 4 but the thought of 2 x 2yr olds is just scary for even me. .. though I know she'll sail through it and love every minute. :-)

* My lot had a day off school last week due to a school assistants funeral and well......they got up to all sorts, including pulling all 3 matteresses onto the floor to create better bounce! I just took some pictures and shut the door on them....leave them to it I say. LOL

* Scrummy dream street papers have arrived in full glory and more are now on there way due to selling out of some ranges, and of course I had to get a few more while I was there, so keep an eye out for there arrival. It's amazing the possibilities a lovely paper bring to your scrapping.

* My gifts for the advent swap are nearly ready but in no way yet wrapped, so I really need to get on with allowing some time for that. I can't wait to get mine and open a gift a day. With any luck I'll have more than the kids. :-)

* GoGo DT kit is also due to land on my doorstep tomorrow so I need to catch up on loads of other bits so I can play when it arrives. Quick deadline this month....which I don't mind as it makes me get it done, and quite often I produce better layouts when I just get on with it. LOL

Well I think that's it for my update for now. No doubt I'll think of loads more when I publish this but hey....I suppose I could post again. Off now to catch up on a few house bits as I've been neglecting my cyber friends too recently and I really need to go and catch up.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's better! Love the LO's hun - the blank cheque on is genius - must remember that one for the future!