While I've not scrapped for a bit, or managed to take wacky pictures of the kids either I thought it was time to bombard you with past DT layouts for Scrapagogo. None of these have been online before but if you've had the kit then you may well recognise them. This kit is a must have for Scrappers and if you still haven't got yourself a Christmas present then I highly recommend that you go and get yourself a subscription. Make your present last all year. :-)
Apart from lack of scrapping I have been quite busy these past weeks. I've started up with Flylady again and my house is really looking better for it. Seems to be alot easier this time as we've got a team thread started on UKS and we all cheer each other on as well as having a place to show our todo lists and done lists.....can't have them seeing me failing at it can I? It's the encouragement I need. Things go a bit pearshaped at weekends when I work alot and all the kids are about, but I'm hoping tomorrow to still get my bits done even with the kids off.....after all I need to get used to it as they're off for 2 weeks soon. They're keeping me busy inbetween though with nativities, partys, coffee mornings and the like...I'll be sick of mincepies by the time Christmas is here.
Right that's all the updates I can think of at the minute, though I'm sure there are more... off for some shut eye I think. Laterz
fantastic lo's beks......i just loved this kit :)
YAY !!!! You've done it !!
Fab LO by the way, and how did the nativity go ??
Great Lo's, more to add soon:)
Hope you had a great Christmas!
Oi - when are ya gonna update us ??
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