Monday, July 29, 2013

Pages & Pages

Here are some of my latest layouts. I do have a couple more to photograph and A LOT of project life to update you with, but one step at a time.

A few more recent pictures this time, well sort of. These are a couple of years old but seen as I'm up to 2007 on the kids albums it's recent.
Megan and her Nan had a pancake cook-off, and even though some didn't turn out great they all got eaten.

This layout I'm not so sure about, but it's done now so I must move on. Kate this year at her dance rehearsal.

I prefer this one of an impromptu shot I got while Kate was changing into her tap shoes at practice. A lot of mess was caused making this one, as it involved DIY thickers and glitter, but I love the effect.

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